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What's Minichestra


A new style of orchestra that changes the world

『 Minichestra(ミニケストラ)』は、ミニ( mini )+オーケストラ( orchestra )の造語から成り、
ヴァイオリン・チェロ・コントラバス・フルート・ピアノという独自の 5 つの楽器によって編成される



2019年にはドイツ・カッセルにて行われたジャパンイベント『Connichi(コンニチ)』にてゲスト出演し、Kongress Palais Kassel をはじめとする2,000人規模の会場にて全 3 公演満員御礼。その後、コロナ禍明けの2023年にはドイツ・デュッセルドルフで開催された欧州最大規模の日本文化イベント『Japan Tag Düsseldorf / NRW(日本デー)』やドイツ最大規模のアニメコンベンション『DoKomi(ドコミ)』にてゲスト出演を果たし、各メインステージにて数千人〜数万人を超える聴衆の前でパフォーマンスを行い好評を博すなど、海外からの絶大な支持も得ています。
2024年には初のアジアイベント出演としてタイ・バンコクにて開催されたアジア最大級のオールジャパンイベント『JAPAN EXPO THAILAND 2024』にゲスト出演。


"Minichestra" is our original terminology and concept based on the “mini” + “orchestra”, and is a professional orchestra team with the original instrument format of the violin, cello, contrabass, flute, and piano.


The performers are talented Japanese professional musicians, then play various music genres, including classical, pop, jazz, and nursery rhymes, with a primary focus on Japanese anime songs. 


We are expanding our activities not only in Japan but also in countries around the world by leveraging our great teamwork and mobility capability to a select few, as well as the high level of individual ability.


Minichestra was formed in December 2016 and incorporated in January 2017, and had lots of overseas concert tours, mainly in Asia and Europe, such as Singapore, Taiwan, and Germany, and also visited embassies in France, Germany, Italy, Taiwan, and other countries. 


Minichestra achieved numerous initiatives such as joint promotional projects aiming at regional revitalization working closely with local governments, producing music concerts at unique venues, and outreach performances for a wide range of generations.


In 2019, Minichestra made guest appearances at the Japan event "Connichi" held in Kassel (Germany), and all three performances were full at venues with a capacity of 2,000 people, including the Kongress Palais Kassel.After the coronavirus pandemic in 2023, Minichestra was invited to the performance stages at the Europe's largest Japanese culture event "Japan Tag Düsseldorf / NRW (Japan Day)" held in Düsseldorf (Germany), and the Germany's largest anime convention "DoKomi", then received an overwhelming strong reputation from overseas by performing in front of audiences from thousands to tens of thousands of people.In 2024, Minichestra made a great guest appearance at the Asia's largest all-Japan event "JAPAN EXPO THAILAND 2024" organized in Bangkok (Thailand) as its first appearance at an Asian event.


As of May 2023, Instagram followers have exceeded 60,000.

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