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Performers of this concert


​尾崎 風磨


​Fuma Ozaki

東京音楽大学付属高等学校、同大学ピアノ演奏家コースを経て、東京音楽大学大学院 器楽専攻 鍵盤楽器研究領域 (伴奏)修了。





Interview​ ♪

▶︎ Q1 : あなたの名前と演奏している楽器は?

Whats your name and what instrument do you play?


I am Fuma Ozaki. My occupation is pianist, especially my job as accompanist.

▶︎ Q2 : ニックネームは何ですか?

Whats your nickname? 


Everyone calls me 「Fuma」or「Fu-min」.

▶︎ Q3 : 楽器をはじめたきっかけと、何故プロの音楽家になろうと思ったのか、教えてください。

The reason you started playing that instrument and why you decided to become a professional musician?


I started learning to play the piano after I started attending a preschool affiliated with Tokyo College of Music. There, I was able to take lessons from a professional pianist. The experience drew me into music. I was also impressed by the impromptu jazz accompaniment my class teacher played when I was in high school, so I decided to become a professional accompanist.

▶︎ Q4 : その楽器の魅力は何ですか?

Whats an attractive point of your instrument?


I think it's attractive that the piano can express the delicate melody of the song and also can perform like a magnificent performance of an orchestra with only 88 keys.

▶︎ Q5 : プロとして普段どんなことに気をつけていますか?また、どのようにモチベーションを保っていますか?

Is there anything you keep in mind as a professional and how do you keep your motivation?


I always try to play carefully so that each note is meaningful. Also, as an accompanist, I try to play the piano so that partner can play more easily than I feel good playing it myself. And partner's words "feel good and easier to play when I play with you " gives me the best motivation.

▶︎ Q6 : 演奏中のハプニングエピソード、そしてそれをどう乗り越えたのか教えてください。

Do you have any episodes of accident (or you surprised) during the performance and how did you deal with it?


The worst thing that happened during the performance was that the score fell off. I used to practice with my eyes closed, so I was able to continue playing even though the score suddenly disappeared.

▶︎ Q7 : 休日のリフレッシュ方法は何ですか?

Whats your way to refresh yourself during the holidays?


Watching a lot of hollywood movies and touching other types of music. These experiences not only give me refreshment, but also give a lot of new inspiration when I start practicing the piano again.

▶︎ Q8 : ​日本でオススメしたい場所やモノは何ですか?

Any recommendations of places to visit (or things) in Japan?


When many people are asked about recommended places in Japan, I think they recommend Tokyo Tower or Kinkakuji and so on. But I would like to recommend going to “Jinbo-chow”.  There are the history of various japanese cultures remains a legacy in the form of old and new books.

▶︎ Q9 : もしあなたが音楽家でなかったら、どんな仕事をしていたと思いますか?

If you were not a musician, what kind of work would you be doing?



If I were not a musician, I might have become a bodybuilder or Superman. At any rate, I love to build up my body and work out.

▶︎ Q10 : あなたが思う、Minichestraの魅力を3つ教えてください。 

What do you think are the three most appealing points of the Minichestra?


The three appeal points of Minichestra are funny and lovely players, funny and lovely players, and funny and lovely players.

▶︎ Q11 : これまでのMinichestraの活動の中で、一番印象に残っていることは?

What left an impression the most in the activities of the Minichestra so far?


It's only been half a year since I started working at Minichestra, but it was very impressive that I was able to perform at the「Niconico chou-kaigi」that is a national event in Japan.

▶︎ Q12 : Minichestraで演奏する曲の中で一番気に入ってる曲は?

Whats your favorite music that you played in Minichestra?

「My Favorite Things」が好きです!あの曲のアレンジは最高です!

I love 「My Favorite Things」. That arrangement is amazing!

▶︎ Q13 : Minichestraとして、あなたはどこの国へ演奏しに行ってみたい?

What country would you like to go to perform as the Minichestra?


I want to go to all over the United States to perform.

▶︎ Q14 : これからチャレンジしてみたいことはありますか?

Is there anything you would like to challenge in the future?


I want to try various cosplay and perform on various outdoor stages.

▶︎ Q15 : Message to everyone!



I can't wait to see you all face-to-face. Please continue to support Japanese Ninja pianist!!

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