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Performers of this concert



​瀨戸 槙之介

Shinnosuke Seto



Interview​ ♪

▶︎ Q1 : あなたの名前と演奏している楽器は?

Whats your name and what instrument do you play?


I'm Shinnosuke Seto.  I play the double bass.

▶︎ Q2 : ニックネームは何ですか?

Whats your nickname? 


Everyone calls me "dragon" in Minichestra (for some reason) . My name, "Shinnosuke", is the same name as the animation "Crayon Shin-Chan"(do you know?). Call me "dragon" or "Shin-Chan"!! lol

▶︎ Q3 : 楽器をはじめたきっかけと、何故プロの音楽家になろうと思ったのか、教えてください。

The reason you started playing that instrument and why you decided to become a professional musician?


The first time I played Double Bass was in middle school club activities. I didn't like it at the beginning, but as I practiced playing, the more I came to love it.

▶︎ Q4 : その楽器の魅力は何ですか?

Whats an attractive point of your instrument?


It's big and looks like furniture, but the tones are sweet like chocolate. I want you to experience that Bass vibration when real performance.

▶︎ Q5 : プロとして普段どんなことに気をつけていますか?また、どのようにモチベーションを保っていますか?

Is there anything you keep in mind as a professional and how do you keep your motivation?


I am careful about physical condition management. I work out when l have free time.

▶︎ Q6 : 演奏中のハプニングエピソード、そしてそれをどう乗り越えたのか教えてください。

Do you have any episodes of accident (or you surprised) during the performance and how did you deal with it?


Suddenly my bow broke during the performance.. I borrowed it from a member next to me, who had an extra bow.

▶︎ Q7 : 休日のリフレッシュ方法は何ですか?

Whats your way to refresh yourself during the holidays?


Watching movies at the cinemas, because it's dynamic and I like the atmosphere!

▶︎ Q8 : ​日本でオススメしたい場所やモノは何ですか?

Any recommendations of places to visit (or things) in Japan?


It has beautiful views, unique food, amusement parks, pop culture, temples, shrines and more. Please come to Japan!

▶︎ Q9 : もしあなたが音楽家でなかったら、どんな仕事をしていたと思いますか?

If you were not a musician, what kind of work would you be doing?


I would be a researcher. I'm interested in world culture, so I want to work traveling around the world.

▶︎ Q10 : あなたが思う、Minichestraの魅力を3つ教えてください。 

What do you think are the three most appealing points of the Minichestra?


Ensemble with originality and uniqueness, communicate Japanese culture through music, and international exchange with people from various countries!

▶︎ Q11 : これまでのMinichestraの活動の中で、一番印象に残っていることは?

What left an impression the most in the activities of the Minichestra so far?


The most impressive activity was taking a performance video at a temple in Kyoto. I want to publish more and I want you to see the beautiful scenery of Japan.

▶︎ Q12 : Minichestraで演奏する曲の中で一番気に入ってる曲は?

Whats your favorite music that you played in Minichestra?


"Unravel" is an amazing arrangement. I love this emotional song.

▶︎ Q13 : Minichestraとして、あなたはどこの国へ演奏しに行ってみたい?

What country would you like to go to perform as the Minichestra?


I want to go to Vietnam someday, because I'm really into Vietnamese food.

▶︎ Q14 : これからチャレンジしてみたいことはありますか?

Is there anything you would like to challenge in the future?


I want to do my best in language and communicate with many people.

▶︎ Q15 : Message to everyone!



Thank you for reading! Please continue to take care of minichestra!!

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